Larry Brown

Army Scout

Vietnam War Veteran

Received Four Purple Hearts along with 120 Badges

Flew UH-1, H-13, and OH-6

Served Two Tours - 1966- 1968

Call Sign - Charlie Horse 1-9


Larry Brown enlisted in the Navy in 1966 but never ended up making it to sea. Brown ended up taking Army exams and was accepted and after flight school, he knew he was headed overseas. He was deployed to Vietnam in the March of ‘67 as a scout pilot while the rest of his unit was assigned statewide. He started out flying a UH-1 but after a month asked to be reassigned, he was then given an H-13 scout helicopter with guns attached. In his time he also flew an OH-6 with an observer seated at his side obtaining an M60. Brown was shot down nine times while searching for targets or helping those under attack, and earned four purple hearts his service. He earned 120 badges while in service. Brown witnessed and fought in the events that occurred in the Tet Offensive of ‘68, he went out during “Hunting Times” and found not only ready to fight North Vietnamese but also those fleeing the events which they started. He married his wife of 50 years while in Vietnam as well, she was a combat nurse stationed near his camp. The two both retired after roughly 30 years in the service as 06 Colonels. After retirement, the Browns moved to McMinnville Oregon with their three children. Larry Brown continued to fly but this time for Evergreen Aviation. He flew aircraft designed to put out fire all throughout the US for many years to come. Brown is now officially retired but is still involved with VFW groups throughout the state of Oregon.

Soldiers profile
Img 4753
Larry Brown
Vietnam War
US Army
06 Colonel
Reilly Southard