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The WWII Veterans Story Challenge

Saving the History of Those Who Saved the World

Thank you for taking our WWII Vet Story Challenge! By helping us gather and preserve the personal stories of a million WWII Veterans on the 75th anniversary of their WWII victory. Here are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Select a WWII Veteran from the list below – Once you identify a WWII Veteran whose story you want to tell, click the "Select" button. If you would like to add a veteran that is not listed, you can click the “Share a Vet’s Story” tab at the top of the page.

Step 2: Learn your Veteran’s Story by researching and collecting their information like service branch, units, battles, images, videos, and interviews to tell his or her story.

Step 3: Share your chosen Veteran’s Story by returning to this site to post the Veteran’s story and complete their profile.

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Veteran's name State Service Battle
Joseph G Aaberg WA World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Lawrence S Aaberg CO World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Mae A Aaberg IL World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Melvin E Aaberg MN World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Orville O Aaberg MN World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Paul S Aaberg SD World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Regina R Aaberg NY World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Sander P Aaberg WA World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Walter C Aaberg MN World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Willy Aaberg NY World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Clarence A Aaberge MT World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
John K Aaberge MT World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Gerald Aabiwt MA World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Carlyle M Aaby CA World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Clifford D Aaby MN World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Elwin Aaby MT World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Harry R Aaby MT World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Keith P Aaby CA World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
John M Aabye ND World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Merrick E Aabye IL World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Vazfa Fn Aaca World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
J Aajaaa Aaccaj CONNECTICUT, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Hans Aach CT World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.
Jack Aach MO World War II You are not logged in. To adopt or edit this veteran profile, create a user id, or log in with your existing id.