Manuel C Abascal
World War II
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Manuel Abascal
World War II
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Matthew A Abascal
World War II
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Philip Jr Abascal
World War II
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Julio Abasola
World War II
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Julius Abasolo
World War II
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Marcos T Abasolo
World War II
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Pete C Abasolo
World War II
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Manuel G Abasta
World War II
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Nazario G Abasta
World War II
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Trinidad J Abasta
World War II
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Crispulo E Abastas
World War II
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Vincent Abastida
World War II
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Felipe L Abat
World War II
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Francisco Abat
World War II
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Paulino M Abat
World War II
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Pedro Mac Ayan Abat
World War II
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Vicente Abat
World War II
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Charles J Abata
World War II
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Guy Abata
World War II
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Joe W Abata
World War II
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John L Abata
World War II
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Joseph Abata
World War II
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Michael A Abata
World War II
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